Intro to Operating Systems
Status: #not-started
Self Guided Operating Systems (OSTEP)
Somewhat more advanced CS Course: (more projects here: CS140e was an experimental Operating Systems course at Stanford. What makes it unique was that you’d program an OS in Rust using actual hardware, a Raspberry Pi.
- GT’s version, interesting labs:
Rust based:
Master's in CS
Now that I want to get into systems programming, I need to dedicate more time to learning more low-level topics such as [[intro-os]] which was covered at a surface-level in the "Computer Systems" course at my university.
Extended CS
* [[intro-os]]
Computer Systems
Personally, I'd like to go in to the nitty-gritty, which might not be the best if I were to complete Part 2 of this course. I'd like to get more into C for the sake of [[intro-os]] and going through CS:APP seems like the best route to take. Additionally, I have somewhat lost interest in doing Part 2 of Nand2Tetris