Extended CS
This is a curriculum that I made inspired by [[Teach Yourself CS]] and OSSU's CS curriculum. After researching into [[Master's in CS]] programs, I decided to take a self-guided approach.
I currently possess a Bachelor's in Computer Science, however I'd like to specialize in systems programming and this curriculum is an attempt to gain knowledge in that field.
Course/Book Decisions
I'm not a huge fan of edx and Coursera. It seems structured but I was never hooked on to them. Therefore, I default to project-based courses or books with labs.
For example:
- Nand2Tetris: project-based book
- OSTEP: book with projects, course for reference
In Progress
Not Started
- [[Intro to Operating Systems]]
- [[Computer Networking]]
- [[Intro to Distributed Systems]]
- [[Parallel Computing]]
- [[Intro to Differential Equations]]
- [[Cloud Computing]]
- Some Databases: Intro. to Database Systems
This is my [[digital-garden]]. Check out [[extended-cs]] to see what I'm currently learning.